What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic tool used by our The Transformed Mind’s trained professional Sarah Herrmann to engage clients in a state of intense relaxation and deep concentration. In this state, the subconscious or unconscious mind is able to find creative solutions for problems that the conscious mind may not be able to. Deriving from the Greek word ‘hypnos’ meaning sleep, the hypnotherapist creates a ‘trance’ like state, wherein the subconscious mind is more susceptible to change and transformation (1). 

Hypnotherapy at our Sunshine Coast Clinic is a time-effective intervention which shortcuts the conscious mind and disrupts unhealthy pre-established learned patterns, and replaces them with the healthier, desired  suggestions with minimal effort due to the level of focus and control provided through hypnosis.

Children and adults can highly benefit from Hypnotherapy practices utilised at our Sunshine Coast Clinic called The Transformed Mind or even online. Our practitioner Sarah Herrmann, qualified not only as a Clinical Hypnotherapist but also a Registered Nurse, recommends hypnotherapy for kids is suitable from the age of five.

Hypnosis is a relatively common state in everyday life, such as becoming immersed in an activity where one enters a ‘flow’ or ‘dream’ state, entering a period of hyper concentration where one loses connection with the conscious mind and becomes unaware of anything else happening around them besides the activity they are engaged in, such as playing an instrument or sport. 

A hypnotic state can be self-induced as well as achieved alongside working with our qualified Sunshine Coast Hypnotherapist. Certified hypnotherapists create a safe and open space wherein the unconscious mind is able to produce its own solutions, or be led by the hypnotherapists suggestions and guidance. Through the skilled creation of this hypnotic state, the mind becomes more flexible and receptive to change. The clinician may achieve this through increasing the client’s motivation to change, or diminishing their desire to engage in an unwanted behaviour or thought pattern. The client is still able to interact, speak and remember everything experienced in the hypnotic state, unlike many myths around hypnosis would have one believe (2).

With the rising acceptance of hypnotherapy as more than just an ‘alternative therapy’, the evidence base of studies has been growing, supporting hypnotherapy as an effective empirically supported form of therapy, particularly for smoking cessation and weight loss (3). In addition to these common problems, hypnotherapy is effective in treating anxiety, stress, substance abuse, pain management, sleep problems, skin issues, relationship problems, unresolved trauma, phobias, and the transformation of unhealthy habits (4).



Guy H. Montgomery, Katherine N. Duhamel & William H. Redd (2000) A meta-analysis of hypnotically induced analgesia: How effective is hypnosis?, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 48:2, 138-153, DOI: 10.1080/00207140008410045


  ‘The Power of Mind: How Hypnosis Affects Perception and Behavior’ (2018) 55(S1) Psychophysiology S31


 Hasan, Zagarins, ‘Hypnotherapy Is More Effective Than Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Smoking Cessation: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial’ (2014) 22(1) Complementary therapies in medicine 1


 Miaozun Shih, Yuan-Han Yang & Malcolm Koo (2009) A Meta-Analysis of Hypnosis in the Treatment of Depressive Symptoms: A Brief Communication, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 57:4, 431-442, DOI: 10.1080/00207140903099039